Setting Up and Using Wacom On-Screen Controls, With Multiple Applications

It has been a while since I did a tutorial for Wacom On-Screen controls. I have recently painted with Rebelle software and I like it, so I decided to set up Wacom’s on-screen controls for Rebelle that are different from the ones I have set up for Painter. It is surprisingly easy, so I am sharing the process with you. I hope you enjoy it.

Overview of the on-screen controls

Next video describes the complete process

I thought you might like to see my first few images done in Rebelle watercolors.

Practice Enso (From Wikipedia: In Zen, an ensō ( , “circular form”)[1] is a circle hand-drawn in one or two uninhibited brushstrokes to express a moment when the mind is free to let the body create.)

Just a make-believe red flower.

Just for fun, Red Flower, watercolor Rebelle
Japanese Magnolia from my yard.
First watercolor landscape in Rebelle
Heavy leaves practice bamboo.
Simple Orchid, Rebelle watercolor
Cherry Blossoms, Rebelle watercolor.

Well, that’s all folks. Hope you enjoyed the videos and the latest work from Rebelle.

Happy Holidays,
