David Gell’s Jitterbrush Site

Hello Everyone,

David Gell, a Master Painter Brush Maker, long time supporter of Corel Painter, and mentor to many of us, closed Jitterbrush, his wonderful website.  It was full of wonderful information and incredible brushes.  Before closing David told me that I could download anything and put it on my blog to keep it available for Corel Painter users.  I must say, David, I can’t tell you how honored I am to help keep your incredible work with in easy reach of new and advanced Painter users.  You have helped so many of us for many years.

David planned to close his site on July 9, 2016 and I was going to start putting the information on my site at that time.  Unfortunately, my sister fell and developed a massive hematoma on the left side of her brain on July 8th and I had to go to Mississippi to help with her care.  I have been gone for 3 months and all the material from David’s site was still in Georgia.  I returned to Georgia last week, and I decided to start the project today.  I plan to add little by little until it is all here.

The same rules apply for any of the downloads available.

There are no restrictions on use, other than the resources are not to be offered for sale or shared without my prior consent.

OK…lets get started.  I will pretty much follow what David said about his resources with an occasional comment of my own…or I may paraphrase when necessary.  Let’s start with:

Tribal Beads and Weaves Brush Strokes

This image is a screen capture of Tribal Beads as shown on Jitterbrush

This image is a screen capture of Tribal Beads as shown on Jitterbrush

The above image demonstrates some of the brush strokes possible using the Tribal Beads and Weaves Brushes.  The Tribal Beads and Weaves brushes for Corel Painter 12.2 and above have been primarily developed to quickly place a repeating jewellery element in your compositions.

Enclosed Variants are:

Beaded Braid 3 Strand, Beaded Braid 5 Strand, Beaded Braid 7 Strand, Beads 1 String Dab 1, Beads 1 String Dab 2, Beads 1 String Dab 3. Beads 1 String Dab 4, Beads 1 String Round, Beads 3 String Dab 1, Beads 3 String Round, Beads 5 String Dab 1, Beads 5 String Round, Beads 7 String Dab 1, Beads 7 String Round, Sequin Braid, Tiny Bead Necklace, Tribal Weave 1, Tribal Weave 2, Tribal Weave 3.

Here is a quick video showing the brushes in action.

Download Variants as a Category or as a Library…your choice:

Tribal Beads & Weaves Category

Tribal Beads & Weaves Library

If you choose to download the Category, download and save the Tribal Beads_Weaves.brushcategory “as is” to your computer.  Open Painter and go to Brushes > Import > Category and click open.  The category will load in the currently active Library.

If you choose to download the Library, download and save the Tribal Beads_Weaves.brushlibrary “as is” to your computer.  Open Painter and go to Brushes > Import > Brush Library and then click on the Tribal Beads_Weaves.brushlibrary file.  It will create a new library with Tribal Beads and Weaves loaded.

Enjoy your gift from David.


New Wacom Drivers released for PC and Mac

Hello Friends,

Wacom released new drivers for the PC and Mac.  Go to Wacom Drivers to get the latest download.  I always have mixed emotions about updating or not.  I tend to always update all of my software even if it doesn’t seem like it needs it.  Most of the time I am happy that I did, but lately, I have had some difficult updates with various software.  I still update, but at least I am a little more wary about doing so.

As usual, with Wacom Drivers, I disconnect my tablet, uninstall the current driver, reboot, install the current driver, reboot, and then reconnect the tablet.

