Maverick Support for Painter X3 – Important Message for MAC users…VERY IMPORTANT

Hey Gang,

This just in from the Andy Church and the Painter Team:

Apple announced that the new operating system, Mavericks was ready for FREE download on Tuesday October 22nd. Based on historical release practices at Apple, our team was not expecting this until late November.

As of today, October 23rd, Painter X3 does not completely support Mavericks. To maintain your current user experience with Painter, we would recommend you NOT upgrade to Mavericks at this time.

We are looking at the overall user experience of the final version of Mavericks and we are assessing any required code changes we need to make.

Later this week we will communicate when we expect to have full support for Mavericks. Thank you in advance for your consideration.


Andy and the Painter Team

You can find the message on Painter Factory.


New Wacom Tablet Drivers Available for Products Currently Being Sold

Hey Gang,

Wacom posted new drivers for the PC on 10/07/2013 and for the Mac on 10/15/2013.  I had missed the posts, so thank you to my friend Miguel for telling me about the new releases.

The new releases are only for the newer products, but I do think that the site is a little confusing.  So to make sure I understood what was up, I wrote Wacom Support and received excellent guidance from Travis Hackett, Tier 3 Support Technician.  When you go to the driver download site, you see a rather large array of drivers listed, for instance a Cintiq Hybrid, Cintiq, Intuos Pro, Intuos (previously called Bamboo), etc.  Just match your product with the proper driver.

If you have an Intuos 4 or another older tablet, then you would check the legacy driver site for the correct driver to use.  Those drivers have not changed since the September 3, 2013 release.

