Webinar Download Page

Hello Everyone,

I decided to make a page for webinar downloads, which will keep them all together and make it easier to find them.  Here is the first one:


Hodge-Podge Webinar opening shot. I did not demo this painting. I thought it might look pretty while waiting for the webinar to begin…LOL.

Hodge-Podge May 29, 2012

Thick paint Flow

Corel Painter 12.2 Real Wet Oils and Flow Maps test prior to the two webinars



51 responses to “Webinar Download Page

  1. Great stuff, Skip! Download worked fine, and the recording is just perfect! 😉 Maybe see you again tomorrow…

    • Yes, I plan to be there. I think the The Artist’s Quarter has great meetings. Everyone should check it out. I know they would love the classes. See you tomorrow.

      • Skip:
        Thanks for the generous sharing of your knowledge and experience…I really learn a lot from listening to you think out loud. I am a newbie to Painter and your mastery of Painter is obvious. Your are a great teacher!
        Thanks again

        • Hi Jimmy,
          Thank you for such a nice comment. I so glad my videos are helping you. I am passionate about Painter and love sharing that passion with others. You are going to have so much fun with painter. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.

  2. Thanks Skip for all your time showing us the skills that would take us another life time to learn

    • Hi Ian,
      You have that right! I think it will take us two lifetimes to learn all there is about Painter. It is a very rich program and we are fortunate to have it. Hey…did you watch the webinar live. I know several Aussies did, which surprised me. It would have been early morning…like 2 or 3 AM. I will have some webinars around 9 PM my time, which will be around noon the next day your time. It is amazing how this technology connects us…just amazing.

        • Hey Wardie,
          Just like I did in class. I will definitely adjust live times to make it easy on various time zones…LOL…don’t want you guys yawning during the presentation. I have to look at the statistics, but I think there were at least 4 Aussies in attendence…also folks from Sweden, Mexico, Italy, Englan, Canada, and the USA.

  3. No Skip i would have liked to see it live but next best i downloaded it.
    got a lot out of the brush calibration and pressure section of your webinar
    and how important it is to experiment with settings and compare differences
    with brush strokes to get the best results.
    I,m very new to painter 12 (3 months) not having used any other digital program before
    its a steep learning curve, but i,m enjoying it and look forward to more of your
    Thanks in advance
    Ian parker.

    • Wow Ian, you are very new to Painter. Do take Elaina’s beginning Painter 12 classes. They are going to be moved to Open Enrollment status on Jun 1st. I think they will help you a lot. Skip

  4. Wow! what great info on brushes, the mystery item in Painter. It was great. i am advancing fast, believe it or not from all my questions, which you and Karen have so kindly answered. Check out my texture exercise I posted Friday, 5 textures from Capital Reef And Escalante Utah.

  5. Thank you so much skip. And thanks also for introducing me to DAA… I’ve been scratching my head with Painter 12 and my new intuos5 and was thrilled to come across the three Introduction to Painter courses on there, as well as your course (which I’m itching to take).

    • Thanks Jay. I am glad you are enjoying Painter and DAA. I was just like you four years ago. At that time I had bought an Intuos 3 and Painter X. I found DAA and started taking classes. It is amazing what a few classes can do. Hope to see you in the watercolor class soon.
      Thanks again,

  6. Dear Skip … words cannot express how thankful I am for your generosity!!! I enjoy your tutorials quite a lot!!! You have a “gift” to teach people what you know, and this makes you beloved!!! I’ve added bookmarks to your site on all of my browsers!!! 🙂 … And well … I’m looking forward to putting in practice all you’ve been teaching here 🙂 … THANK YOU SKIP!!! I’m really happy I came across your tutorials 🙂

    • Hi Eva,
      For some reason I missed this when you first posted. You are the sweetest person; I really appreciate your comments. I’m looking forward to seeing the work you post.
      Thank you bunches,

  7. Skip, thank you for your informative webinar(s)!
    And the download of the video of the 7/24/2012 noon webinar works fine.
    You’ve got me really excited about exploring Painter 12.2’s Flow Maps for wet brushes. — David

  8. WOW!! Skip, many, many thanks for this!! I downloaded the brushes today and wondered where they went. They were already in place in Painter!!!! How awesome is that? This video is so dense in content I plan to watch and take notes probably several times. So much good stuff here!!! Can’t thank you enough!

    Betty Mc

    • Hey Betty,
      So glad there is some stuff that will be useful to you. I’m trying to figure out if I can make a pdf of the audio. I’m sure that would be helpful, but so far, it escapes me.

  9. Oh my YES, a PDF of the audio would be fantastic!!!! No clue if that can be done, but really appreciate all your efforts. I just found the gessoed canvas and am playing with it. Also want to make a flow map on the line of yours. May I ask what brush you used to create the flow map from the video?

    Thanks you so much!

  10. Skip,
    As Ralph often said to Alice ” You’re the greatest”.
    Thanks for the videos.
    Is there a fall open studio on women impresssionist painters Morisot or Cassatt>

    Still want to get together for one on one.

    • Hi John,
      Yes, there will be an open studio. Here is the information:

      Course Begins September 8th, 2012 and Ends October 5th, 2012
      Register for Open Studio Impressionist Painting with Corel Painter
      This course will immerse the digital artist into the late 19th century as we study the works of some of the great women Impressionist painters of the time. This course will introduce the digital painter to the world of Impressionism from the viewpoint of the women who were part of this amazing time in art history. We will begin with Berthe Morisot, Week 2, Mary Cassatt, Week 3 Eva Gonzales, and Week 4 Marie Bracquemond.
      Students will enjoy live sessions for each of the four weeks that the session runs. Live sessions are recorded and will be made available to the student for download. Your Mentor will provide you with video tutorials that you can follow along with each week of the course.

      I’m ready to get together when you are. Just let me know a time when you would like to meet.

    • Yes Jay,
      It is a course at DAA. Karen gives 4 Open Studio Classes a year: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Holiday. They are wonderful classes and I never miss them. I have never been disappointed in an Open Studio Class. Jay, when you go to DAA, sign up for the newsletter. That way you will be notified of all the class offerings. I know you would enjoy it.

  11. Dear Skip;
    I just found your site and want you to know how much I appreciate your generousity and sharing.
    I am new to painter and to the wacom tablets and I found it overwhelming the amazing range of options.
    Thank you – Thank you

    • Hi Rich,
      Thank you for visiting and posting. I hope you enjoy Painter and your Wacom tablet as much as I do. They are a bit overwhelming at first, but if you are like me, you will find them enjoyable and you will feel comfortable in no time at all.
      Thanks again and I hope you visit often,

    • Hi Dana,
      I just checked the link and it is working fine. Please try again. I know they go down from time to time. If you still cannot get in, then I’ll check again.

  12. can’t thank you enough for your generosity and sharing your knowledge with the world . just downloaded your brushes , i’ll be busy for a while . thank you .

  13. Thanks for the tutorials, I find it easier to learn and retain information this way myself.

    I am looking out for a tutorial that deals with Quick Clone and preserving transparency.

    I have a figure I have masked the background out in Photoshop and brought the whole image into Corel Painter to use the Quick Clone to paint the figure.

    I can’t figure out how to mask out the figure and preserve the background so I don’t get any of the white background into the freshly painted figure.

    Can you use a selection mask while using the Quick clone tool?


    • Hi Alan, Yes you can do all that you are talking about. I don’t remember if I have a tutorial on the blog concerning the subject. There is a search function on the banner, put in Quick Clone and you should get something. Also, check out my You Tube Channel, I have a tutorial about making a channel in Photoshop and bringing it into Painter…Alpha Channels between the two programs are compatible.
      I would give you the answer now, but I am closing down the computer and heading to another state to see my sister. She is a stroke victim and is having problems. I’m her only family and I need to help her. I think I will be back on the computer by the weekend and I’ll try to write to you then. But, that is a guess on my part. The other two suggestions might hold you over until then.
      Thanks for asking,

  14. Hello Skip. Where might one find the specific paper you use in Hodge Podge Webinar called Fabrinao artist… something? Hard to read the print. I love learning from you ans working in Painter 2015.

    • Hi Linda, Sorry for the delay. I believe that paper came from Tim Shelbourne, but Karen Bonaker has one also. I’m not sure which I was using. Google Tim and Karen and you should be able to find the paper.
      Hope this helps,

      • Thanks for your response….what I have done is googled the paper images online and copied the image of the paper and created my own in painter. I love Painter 2015 so much. I love what you have offered in teaching and thank you so much for your efforts. You are a very loving man and I like that. 🙂

  15. Wonderful tutorials and generous of you to share with the world! I have not found a way to save colors to a custom color library. There don’t seem to be any tutorials about the subject which surprises me. I hacked my little heart out too.

    • Hi Beth,
      Using Color Sets is a pretty big topic, and there are bunches of tips and tricks when using color sets. Before looking for information on You Tube or my blog, I usually suggest that folks try the Corel Painter Help files. You can find them by clicking on Help in Painter and then clicking on Help Topics. The files are on the web now and can be changed and updated easily. They are a terrific resource for all things about Painter.
      If you open the help files and click on the index tab and then the letter C…and scroll down until you see Color Sets, you will find the following topics:
      color sets
      adding colors to
      adding Mixer swatches to
      choosing colors from
      customizing layout
      deleting colors from
      displaying color names
      displaying, for weaves
      finding colors in
      from Mixer pad
      from Mixer panel
      hiding color names
      ignoring color variability
      posterizing Web graphics with
      posterizing with
      renaming colors in
      replacing colors in
      resizing swatches
      reverting to default
      setting color variability based on
      sorting colors in
      using, for movies
      using, for warp and weave expressions
      I have read the help files multiple times and each time I go back I learn some little tip I didn’t know. I would always go there first, and then if I don’t get the answer, I would search the web or ask some knowledgeable person.
      To answer your question…you will want to select a color using any method…from the Color Panel, using the dropper tool, however you wish. Now, at the bottom of the Color Set Library Panel, there is a row of icons. Second from the right, is a rectangle with a plus…this is the add color to color sets icon. Click it and the currently selected color will be added to the currently selected Color Set Library.
      Hope this helps,

    • Hi Jo Amm,
      I did have a lot of fun. I think we might have some more. Right now time is taken up with the class, but once that slows down, then we will have a few more. I still have X3 loaded, too.
      Thanks for making a comment,

  16. Dear Mr. Allen, I am from Barcelona and I want to thank you for your always helfull information about Corel Painter. I am an amateur illustrator and I am sorry not to be able to take some classes in your place which for sure would help me a lot to improve but I always use your helpful videos which little by little allows me to improve. Many thanks again and please know you have a fun in Barcelona. By the way, I would like to know if it is possible to download some new nozzles.
    Sincerely yours,
    Montse Buñuel

    • Hello Montse,
      I love Barcelona, I lived in Sevilla for a couple of years way back in the 70s. I always thought I would return to Spain, but I haven’t. I have the fondest memories of my time in Spain.
      It is possible to import new nozzles into Painter. The problem is finding folks who are making nozzles…I haven’t made any in quite a while. But, it isn’t very hard to make them. I thought I had a tutorial on my blog or on my You Tube Channel, but I cannot find it. I am pretty sure I have done one. But, in a few weeks, I’ll do another one about how to make nozzles to use with image hose variants. Check back in a few weeks. Enjoy, Skip.

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