Fun with Audio Expression Brushes

Happy Holidays Everyone,

I wish you a joyous season and a very happy New Year.

At the Digital Art Academy Community, Karen and I were doing some videos and giving away a few brushes.  I decided to add a bonus brush to my group.  For something different, I made three variants using Audio Expression painting.  I was actually surprised at the results.  The first attempt was a little on the funky side.  I wasn’t sure how to control the variants.  You can get a bit of control, but the excitement of these variants is to let them run wild and play off what the music brings to the table.

OK…so this was the first image I did.

Musical Flowers, Corel Painter 2020, Audio Expression Brushes

In the following video you can see me paint the above image.

After I posted the image and video, I heard from some that they couldn’t get the variants to work like they did for me.  I did a few test and realized it had to be a difference in resolution.  I provided this video.

Then i did a practice landscape and left it soft.

Audio Expression Landscape, Corel Painter 2020, Audio Expression Variants

The next painting I captured in a video.  I do the initial painting and then bring in thick paint and pastels to give a few details.

Mixed media, Audio expression, thick paint, pastels, Corel Painter 2020

And here is the video:

Following are the three new variants I created to make these paintings.  To load them, you need to open Painter, decide which category you want to put them in, then go to Brushes > Import > Brush and navigate to where you saved the variants.  The brush will be installed in the currently active brush category.   These variants are for Painter 2020.  (EDIT) After posting, the variants have been altered to work with 2018, 2019 and 2020.

Relax to Music Brush

Relax to Music 2

Relax to Music 3

Enjoy and have the Happiest of Holidays,
