A Fun Color Set and a Few New Variants for Corel Painter 12.2

Hello Everyone,

A week or two ago, Marie left a comment about the Traditional Colors of Japan.  She posted two links; The Traditional Colors of Japan from Wikipedia and from Ki Do Raku Japan – Traditional Colors of Japan.  They are both terrific but the first one gave RGB equivalents for the colors.  That meant that I could create the color in Painter and add it to a color set.  Why would I want to, I hear you saying.  Good question.

I’m fond of the art of Japan and China, well all of Asia.  The color is a major part of the attraction for me.  So, when I saw a site that had all the colors listed, I had to make a color set for myself.  I cannot tell you that the set is accurate.  Color management on the Web is non-existent, which doesn’t matter in this case, as long as the RGB numbers are correct.  I have no way of knowing if they are.

The Traditional colors of Japan have an interesting history.  Apparently they date back to 603…that’s quite a history.  That is all I know.  I haven’t taken the time to research the colors.

Once I made the set, I tried a simple watercolor with colors only from the set.  I can’t say the painting was a rousing success, but I can say that I do love the color set.  While painting, I used several new brushes that have not been published.  Last time that disappointed many folks because they wanted to follow along.  So this time I provided a brush category that has all the brushes used.  Look for all the downloads at the end of the post.

Here is the image that I created.  After finishing, I did use the default equalize and then faded it by 50%.  I didn’t show that in the video.  The flowers are forsythia.

Forsythia Flowers, Corel Painter 12.2, Watercolor

Forsythia Flowers, Corel Painter 12.2, Watercolor

And for your viewing pleasure…or not…here is the video of painting process.  Sorry it is so long; I hadn’t planned on it being over 25 or 30 minutes…oh well.  I hope you enjoy it.

You can get the color set, the brushes used for the Forsythia Painting and the Airbrush Wet’s Paper category from the following links:

Japanese Traditional Colors

Air Brush Wets Paper Category

Forsythia Painting Category

I hope I remembered all the brushes and stuff.  If I left something out, please let me know.



Impasto Painting in Corel Painter 12.2

Happy New Year!!!  I hope you all have the best New Year ever.

I enjoy making decorative paintings, and this impasto painting of roses is a good example.  To do the painting I had to make a few brushes.  I want to make a brush that works like a palette knife, and I think I am pretty close.  Here is the painting that I recently finished.

Impasto painting in Corel Painter 12.2

Impasto painting in Corel Painter 12.2

I like a lot about this painting, but I still need to tweak the brushes a bit more.  But, before we talk about the brushes, I want to demo something that folks have requested.  Notice the canvas texture in the painting; that is what I want to discuss first.  I have shown this technique before in the Tips and Tricks Webinar, but I do not think many saw it.  So, I am going to explain it again in this post.  Incidentally, I learned this technique from David Gell at Jitter Brush, his website.  To create the texture, we need to make a pattern from a paper.  David supplies a wonderful brush that aids in the process…Pattern Pens Plus > WYSIWYG Paper Extractor.  Do go to his site and get the Pattern Pens Brushes.

To start the process, we have to make a pattern from a paper.  Not just any pattern, but a seamless pattern.  Then the pattern can fill a layer.  We will add a layer mask, fill it with black so the pattern will not show.  Then with an opaque brush filled with white paint, we will reveal some of the pattern.  It seems so simple, and it is.  Here are four videos that will take you through the process.

I am unsure why the videos are not showing, but click the link takes you to You Tube to view the video.  I apologize for any inconvenience this causes.  I’ve tried to figure this out for a couple of hours.  Rather than continue, I am going to post as is.  Hopefully, they will show up correctly later.  UPDATE:  I figure it out.  For some reason the link was posting correctly to the visual tab of the blog, but not so in the Text part.  So I deleted the garbage in the Text part and recopied the links and presto…the videos appeared.

That’s it for creating paper from a pattern.  I hope you enjoyed them and learned something useful.But there is more.  I have made some new brushes that helped me accomplish the Rose painting.  I thought it might be interesting to show you the raw brushes and how I used them.  I show a few brushes that are available for download, now.  I hope you enjoy these videos.

That’s all folks.  I hope to see you in the New Year if not sooner.  I want to take this opportunity to thank you for all your support this year.  The number of subscribers to the blog is amazing; you folks are the best.  I sincerely wish you the health, happiness, and lots of money in the New Year.  OK, if you do not get the money, I wish you happiness and good health.Skip

Second Corel Painter 12.2 Real Wet Oils and Flow Maps Available

Hello Everyone,

I finished preparing the recording of the second webinar, the one done at 9:00 PM Eastern time, and I provided a link below.  A link to download the video is on the Webinar Download Page.

The video is in HD, but after you start the video, look in the icons in the bottom of the video screen and select the one that is for quality.  Then select 720 HD.

I hope you enjoy the second webinar,


Corel Painter 12.2 Real Wet Oils and Flow Maps Webniar Recording Available

Hello Everyone,

I enjoyed the webinars and hope that you did too.  I finished preparing the recording of the first one, the one done at noon Eastern time, and I provided a link below.  A link to download the video is on the Webinar Download Page.

The video is in HD, but after you start the video, look in the icons in the bottom of the video screen and select the one that is for quality.  Then select 720 HD.

I hope you enjoy the show,


Don’t Forget To Register For the Webinar Tomorrow…Here are a couple of quick examples

Hello Everybody,

Don’t forget to register for the webinars tomorrow.  Links for registration are in the previous post.

I’m getting very excited about sharing in the webinar.  I haven’t worked a lot with real wet oil variants and they are fun to use.  You can make the oil run down the page with a flow map or combination of flow map and paper.  They do tend to look milky or thicker than what I think of as runny oil, but I think I have answers for that little problem thanks to David Gell and Tim Shelbourne.  Both of these friends have techniques that I will use…tweaked just a bit.

Here are a couple of examples to let you know what I am trying to do.  This isn’t the only look you can get, but I am having the most fun with the gessoed canvas look.  Please understand these are not finished, but test pieces that I have started.

The first one is showing the runny background and impasto paint on the top.

This paint Flow

Corel Painter 12.2 Real wet Oils test

The next one is similar…again, I am focusing on the background…so the painted object is very small for the canvas.  Remember these are only tests.

Corel Painter 12.2, Real Wet Oils and flow maps.

I was trying to add thick and thin paint to the background in the next test.  I can do it a lot better than the example; I just need to practice.  I need to work on building a painting with this technique.  With these examples I have made the background without any thought of the finished painting.  This technique will work best if I plan the image. 🙂

Corel Painter 12.2, Testing thick and thin oil on background

OK..that’s it for now.  If you like this look or are curious about it, do come to the webinar.  I am sure you can take the technique and run with it; you can take it to the next level.



Two Free Webinars…Corel Painter 12.2, Real Wet Oils, Flow Maps, Docking and Real Watercolor

Hello Everyone,

Corel Painter released an update, Corel Painter 12.2; I thought it would be fun to do a webinar.  I decided to have two webinars at different times.  Hopefully, this will allow more folks from more time zones to attend.  Both are on Tuesday, July 24.  One is at noon or  12 PM eastern time, and the other is at 9 PM eastern time.

There are several new features that I want to explore.  I haven’t talked much about Real Wet Oil…so I would like to spend a good bit of time with those variants.  I love the docking feature, and I will look at it in detail.  Of course there will be time to answer questions from the attendees.

The webinar will be recorded and links provided.

Register Here for Tuesday, July 24th, 12:00 PM Eastern Time

Register Here for Tuesday, July 24th, 9:00 PM Eastern Time

Some of you posted questions in the blog that I haven’t answered.  I will try to answer those questions, too.

Here is another watercolor done with Corel Painter 12.2 flow maps and real watercolors.  Hope you like it.

Dramatic Sky

Dramatic Sky, Corel Painter 12.2 Real watercolor with flow maps

Please register for the webinar.  If all goes well, I will continue to have them.



“Hey wait a minute.  May I come too?”

“Kevin, I have told you that you may not attend.  You would just heckle me anyway.  No more discussion.”

“Look, last time I didn’t come, but this time I am coming.  And of course I will heckle you.”

“You do and I will not introduce you to Maggie, the new cat.  You have begged to meet her.  So what’s it going to be…Maggie or the webinar?”

“Phooey!  I choose both.”

“Oh good grief!”