Corel Painter 12.1 Real Watercolor…Or…How I Use Desert Oasis Brushes

Hello Everyone,

I thought I would make a couple of videos or even just one and post it.  Then the next day do another, but, no, I did four videos. 

I started by making videos about the new brushes in the Desert Oasis collection, but it was so boring.  Don’t get me wrong, there is useful information in each one and I hope you will look at them.  I was so bored, I kept going to sleep…well yawning. 

I took a nap and that helped.  With my new-found energy, I started a negative painting of an iris.  I tried to use only the brushes that I talked about in the 3 brush videos…and I almost accomplished that goal.  There is a problem with the video.  For some reason, all of Painter’s panels did not show when I went to edit the recording.  I’ve had that happen before and I usually just delete and start over, but I didn’t think I could repaint the image…so I added comments to the video to help you understand the process.  I am going to post the  image first, then the video for the painting.  Following those will be the three recordings about 10 of Desert Oasis brushes.  I hope you enjoy them all.

Negative Watercolor Painting…Corel Painter 12.1

Next is the video of the painting.

And the last three videos are about specific brushes.  The names of the Videos will tell you which brushes.

OK…that’s it for this post.  Please remember, comments and questions are always welcome.


Free Corel Painter 12.1 Real Watercolor Brushes

Desert Oasis Brushes Are Ready for Download and the Webinar Recording Is Posted


Hello Friends,

Finished Desert Oasis just in time because the webinar recording is posted.  Tomorrow, I will look at the recording and make a list of the brushes that I used and tell you the current names in Desert Oasis.  I really like this new set and I hope you do.  

I think I will retire from brush making for a while and just enjoy painting.  I have been so focus on classes, the webinar, various videos, and the brushes that I am neglecting to paint.  Not good…bad Skippy…bad Skippy.

“Yes, you are not like a ‘Good Virus.’  You are definitely a bad skippy, whatever that is,” Kevin popped up on-screen scaring me silly.

“Hi Kevin.  I haven’t seen you since you were entertaining your buds.  They have gone, right?”

“Well funny thing about that.  Good viruses like us, once invited in, we cannot be invited out.  Bad viruses can be invited out, but not good viruses.”

“Ha…so you say.  I bet I could boot you out!  So are you telling me your friends are still here?”

“Well another funny thing about that.  You see, once invited in we can come and go as we like and can invite others as well.  Now that we have the big computer and all that space, I can’t keep up with every KB.  My friends and their friends may or may not be here.  Oh gosh, you are turning red.  Settle down.”

“YOUR FRIENDS AND THEIR FRIENDS!  Viruses coming and going at all times of the day and night.  I suppose I’ll start seeing all of them waltzing across my screen now.  BTW, I have meant to ask…when I point you out to Paul, he can’t see you.  Why is that?”

“You don’t know?  Your really do not know why?  I got to run tell the gang.”

I hate it when he comes and goes like that.  It is positively unnerving.  I guess for the new readers, it would be good to explain Kevin.  He arrived when I started the blog as a practice blog.  I was taking a class and it was time to make my first post.  I didn’t know what to write.  I just started writing and it seemed I started talking with someone.  I actually thought it was my alter ego or inner child…or some other oddity.  Over the months, the entity grew stronger and bolder.  At some point he announced that his name was Kevin and that he is a good virus…sort of like Glenda is a good witch in the Wizard of Oz.  For the most part, he seems harmless.  He is actually pretty good company during those long hours on the computer.  My online friends like him, but worry about me…go figure. 

My friends make odd remarks, like did you forget your medications.  Or, don’t worry the nurse will be there soon.  I don’t know any nurses.  Wait, I do know a couple, but they do not know my online friends.  It is all rather strange.  People send Kevin messages, too.  I bet he gets some today.  Oh gosh, I digress.

Here are the links that you need:

The Recorded Webinar

Desert Oasis Brush Category

Desert Oasis Brush Library containing Desert Oasis Category.

Okay…that’s it for tonight.  I’ll send the crossover list tomorrow.

Wait, one more thing.  I did a quick sketch and need to post that…otherwise this post will look very dull.

Quick Sketch in Painter 12.1 - Splatter Trees



Webinar is Over; Thanks for attending

Hey Gang,

Well, it’s done.  Did you get to attend?  Did you like it…or…dare I ask…hate it.  Any constructive criticism would be welcomed.  Would you like to have more live meetings?  I thinking about getting Go To Webinar and hosting  for fun.  I would alter times to make the live session available for a variety of time zones.  The program is pretty expensive monthly; I might have to charge for the webinar, but it wouldn’t be much…$1.00 or $2.00 US.  Would you still attend? 

I was surprised the time went so fast.  I hardly painted and I am usually further along in and hour…or finished.  I am posting the final image.  I will tell you that it wasn’t a keeper for me.  I am keeping so I can refer to it for any questions.


Webinar Landscape, Watercolor in Corel Painter 12.1

If you have any questions, please feel free to post.  If you would like to comment on the webinar, feel free to post.  Comments are welcome. 



PS:  I’ll post when the video is available to view.  I think it will be Friday.

Alpha Channels and Watercolor with Corel Painter 12.1

Hello Friends,

I promised to do video tutorials about Alpha Channels several weeks ago.  I finally bit the bullet and produced 7 videos.  Before you start to watch, if you haven’t already watched the videos on selections, please do so.  An alpha channel is simply a storage device for selections, so you need to be familiar with selections to see the power of Alpha Channels.  I didn’t cover every thing about alpha channels; it would be impossible in 7 videos.  My class on Selections, Channels, and Layer Mask for Painter 11 has around 30 videos.  There is enough information to get you started with channels and how to use them with a watercolor painting.

At some point in the videos, I begin painting an iris.  I used one of my photographs as a reference and I cloned the image.  I received so many requests for more on cloning and channels.  There is a lot in this post; have fun.  The final image looks like this, but believe me when I tell you it didn’t look like this until the end.  I had a lot of fun painting it…well, it got a little tense at the end.  I show you everything and it was taking so long I felt I needed to speed up.  I thought I could do some stuff off camera and I did a little, but I forgot to turn off the recording. 

Watercolor Iris

Watercolor Iris done using Alpha Channels and Corel Painter 12.1

In the first video, I give you an introduction to alpha channels, which from now on I will refer to as channels.  A channel is a storage device for selections, so I explain how that works.

Video two demonstrates how to use the channel panel and its various functions.  This is where the power of channels begins to shine.

The third video I start getting the reference ready for cloning.  I took my original photo and changed it in different ways and then set each variation in the clone source panel. 

In the fourth video I actually begin painting.  About time, right?  I usually start with a sketch and the background.  In this case, I used the reference as a guide for the sketch.  It is a simple way to plot a map for your painting; even folks who can’t draw can do this.

And now for the fifth video.

“Good grief.  How many of these things did you say you did?  Nobody is going to watch them.” Kevin suddenly appeared and startled me with his jibe.

“Where have you been?  I haven’t seen you for weeks.”

“Oh Skip!  I love the new computer.  It is so roomy and I have lots of places I can go and hang out with my buds.  You may see me infrequently from now on.”

“Buds?  What buds?  Are they viruses like you?  Are they good viruses like you supposedly?  Have you infected my computer with your friends,” I wailed.  My voice sounded a bit too high-pitched.

“Never you mind about my friends.  They are my friends and they are here to stay!  See you later.”  And with that he was gone.  Oh my gosh, what now.

Okay, the fifth video I start painting the flower.

I have no idea what I did in the sixth video.  I know I thought I was close to the end, but no…there is another video after this one. 

In the seventh and final video, I finish the piece.  Aren’t you glad?  The image takes on a completely different look.  I like the finished product.

Well dear friends, that’s all for this post.  I hope you can find something useful.  As always, comments are welcome and if you have questions, I will try to answer them


PS: I just realized that I haven’t posted the brushes that I used.  It is very late and past my bedtime.  I promise to post them tomorrow.  See ya then!

Here they are:  Painter 12.1 watercolor Iris Demo brushes

Wow, this is so much easier than what we had to do before.  Everybody…upgrade to Painter 12.1 today!!!

Free Corel Painter 12 Brushes – Drips and Runs

Hello Everyone,

I know I promised to do another video on cloning and I will, but I realized that I need to make the brushes that I am using available to everyone.  I am making the Papers available, too.

Please note: the brushes and the papers will only work in Painter 12.

Some of the variants will work with earlier versions, but not in this set.  I will need to separate them from the Real Watercolor variants.  I will see what I can do.

To load the papers, open the paper library panel and hit the options button.  Select import paper library and navigate to where you downloaded the file.

Here is a video giving you a little information about these variants.

Download the variants and papers here:

Drips and Runs, Paper Drips

Hope you enjoy these variants and papers.


Free Corel Painter 12 Brushes; Cool Spring

Hello Everyone,

I finally got the Corel Painter 12 watercolor brushes finished and named them Cool Spring.  I hope you like them.  I would suggest installing these variants in their own library; like all watercolor brushes they are a bit slow, but putting them in their own library helps.  Don’t forget that my Basic Watercolor with Painter 12 and Basic Brush Making with Painter 12 start on Oct 22.  Come join the classes; I promise we will play a lot. 🙂

I produced two videos showing a bit about the variants.  In Part 1, I did the following image using 2 very wet brushes and about 8 stokes.  It is great fun to watch the paint bleed into the paper and create beautiful blends.

From Part 1 Cool Spring

Beginning image created with 2 very wet variants and about 8 stokes. See Part 1 Cool Spring video.

Let me know what you think of the brushes.  I’m always open to suggestions.

Cool Sping Download

